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Tom Quigley (RIP) Appreciation

This information was in the Autumn 2023 Newsletter of the Retired Civil And Public Servants Association (RCPSA).

It gives an excellent account of Tom Quigley who contributed handsomely to the RCPSA and it's members.

Tom Quigley

Tom Quigley

Tom Quigley

Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 23rd May, 2023

Dear member,

I hope you and yours are keeping well, it is great that we have somewhat moved on from COVID-19, however not altogether.

I know that many of our own members are suffering from the results of COVID-19 in many ways, so we must continue to be careful.

We are holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 23rd May in Millmount House. We are marking 42 years of our Association this year.

Our first meeting was held in Millmount House on the 21st May 1981 and I salute our founding members, they were,

Jeremiah Fenton, Jeremiah Dunne, Oliver Pluck,

Michael Mulhern, Dan Reidy, Dan Galvin, John T. Guihen,

Larry Jordan, Bernard Kirwan, Timothy Bowler

Ar dheis Dé go raibh a ainmneacha dilis.

I enclose a copy of our agenda for the Annual General Meeting, all are welcome. Whether you can attend or not do take good care and stay safe. Supper will be served.


James A F Duggan


1st May 2023


It is hard to imagine that we are at the Annual General Meeting time once again.

We also mark on the 23rd May the 42nd Birthday of our Association.

As a result of the pension increase and the Social Welfare increase earlier this year, we can say without doubt it was a good start to the year.

It is good that the restrictions re COVID-19 have been lifted however, it must be said the virus has not gone away and other related viruses are also in play, so we must all continue to be careful.

Many of our members have not returned to the social activities they enjoyed prior to covid-19; this is regrettable.

Despite the warning to take care it is necessary for all to go out once again if only to have a walk, go to the men’s sheds or the equivalent for the ladies and the many other activities we were all involved in.

Not to do so can lead to depressions and many other related health problems.

I think it is up to us all to help those who find it hard to get back to activities, to assist the best we can, without encroaching on them personally to get back to social activity.

On the 1st of November 2023 we will increase the death payment from €3,500 to €4,000 for members and from €1,500 to €2,000 in relation to spouses.

Our Auditor Pattison and Company retired and has been replaced by Taxability Accountants, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin.

Our Auditors examined the books of our Association, and I am happy to say our Accounts were found to be correct.

As you can see from the Audit Financial Report which we have published on our website we paid out €79,000 in moratorium payments last year.

This figure will increase substantially when the increase in moratorium commences on the 1st of November 2023.

I and the Treasurer Stephanie Farrell are happy that we can cater for this increase. The life blood of any Association is the membership, so it is important for all of us to do what we can to increase our membership, so I would ask each member to be a good ambassador for our assist in increasing the membership by presenting to all the plusses of membership.

The more members we have the more benefits for all.

It is so disappointing when a non-members spouse contacts our Association thinking there was a payment due, a payment which in many cases is badly needed is not available.

Unfortunately, many retired members do not think about joining our Association unless they are asked to join, so please do introduce our Association to everyone who is retiring or those who have retired in case they have not joined.

To repeat myself once again, the more members we have the more benefits we will all have.

The Annual Mass for deceased members was held on Thursday 20th April in St. Joseph’s Church Berkley Road, Dublin 7 which is organised by the Prison Officers Association and was well attended this year.

The parade from Mountjoy and back accompanied by the Prison Officers Pipe Band was excellent as always.

I would like to thank our Secretary Seamus Foy for the excellent work he does daily.

Stephanie Farrell is without doubt an excellent Treasurer and looks after the books of our Association in an exemplary fashion.

Our Vice President Paddy O’ Shaughnessy is a most obliging and enthusiastic member of our Association and I thank him sincerely for the very good work he does daily for our Association.

I would like to thank all the members of the executive for their work over the year.

If I may I would like very much to highlight one member who never fails to call with information about members or related matters that member is a very long-standing member of our Association and has been a very active member of the Prison Officers Medical Aid Society and Millmount House. He is John Davis.

Thank you, John, for your generous contribution over the years.

When we think of the Prison Officers Medical Aid we must compliment and thank the excellent work done by many of our members who are involved in the management of the Prison Officers Medical Aid Society, we all realise the value of this organisation when we need it.

I would like very much to mention the man who started the Prison Officers Medical Aid Society and the enthusiasm he generated in fostering the idea of such a Society.

He put such an effort into the idea and to get it over the line was remarkable to say the least now over 40 years ago, those of us who were stationed with him in Mountjoy know full well what an effort it was. His name is Peter Perry.

When I say to members that Peter Perry started the Prison Officers Medical Aid Society many are so surprised that they had forgotten that Peter was the backbone of such a very successful enterprise which we all enjoy.

I think we should not forget our member Peter Perry for the trojan work he did as the founder of the Prison Officers Medical Aid Society and also for his work as an Executive member of the Prison Officers Association.

We strongly support all serving members of the Prison Service in their daily tour of duty and sincerely wish them well and safety on duty 24/7.

We wish a speedy recovery to all Officers injured on duty and Officers on sick leave.

Wishing all retired members and their families the very best for the coming summer and the rest of the year.

James A F Duggan


16th May 2023


End of year report 2022

Dear Members,

We are once again nearing the end of yet another year, a very mixed year for many with continuing sickness due to COVID-19 and going by the statistics it is far from over.

I am sure it is a virus, or related virus we will be living with into the distant future.

As you may remember we had our first Annual General Meeting in 3 years in April which was very well attended bearing in mind the pandemic.

All members present observed the rules to protect each other.

I hope we will be able to have our next Annual General Meeting in June 2023.

At our General Meeting the proposal which was proposed by me and seconded by our late colleague and friend, Executive member the late Eamon O’Donnell and endorsed by his Wife Mary after his passing.

I sent out this proposal twice over the past 3 years re increasing the membership contribution to make it possible to increase the death payment incrementally from €3,500 for members to €5,000 plus €1,500 for spouse to €2,500. The proposal was carried unanimously.

Many members and spouses have passed away since our AGM, we extend our sincere sympathy to all who have lost loved ones.

There are also many members who are not too well now, we wish them all a very speedy recovery.

In April this year I was invited to a dinner in Sligo marking the 75th anniversary of the Prison Officers Association, it was an honour to represent our Association at this function, it was an excellent function.

The Annual Mass for serving and deceased members of the Prison Officers Association was held in St. Joseph’s Church Berkeley Road, Dublin 7. The Mas was as always organised by the Prison Officers Association, unfortunately we were not informed of Mass date until 24 hours before the date.

I tried to inform as many as possible about the Mass but the weather at that time was very cold and dark adding to the short notice, many said they would watch the Mass on the web.

In April this year our Association became affiliated to RCPSA, the Civil and Public Service Alliance for Retired Public Servants.

This organisation represents 21 pensioner organisations representing 140,000 retired public servants.

The Alliance, which is affiliated to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions was involved in the recent negotiations re the successful agreement of a pension increase for all Retired Public Servants.

I feel that Thursday 27th October 2022 was a joyous day for all of us, when we received increase in our pensions, the first increase in about 12 years, plus back money backdated to February 2022.

It is part of the agreement that all retirement pensions, are now at least up to the end of December 2023 enjoying parity once again with all serving public servants It is very likely that this will continue in the future, as before, perhaps parity will be used as a bargaining chip by management in future agreements.

All members of our Executive have tried to assist members who need assistance re pensions etc.

In the event of a member dying or a spouse dying, there are procedures to follow which can be confusing at this time.

It is my policy to write to members and advise them on the procedure to follow.

I have provided a written account of the procedure; however, I have been asked to issue it again. I am very happy to do this in conjunction with this communique.

I am very happy to inform you of the view of members and recent Widowed persons of our Association.

The Association of Retired Prison Officers is the most efficient organisation that one can deal with as a retired member or a recently widowed person.

These very sincere remarks are because of all members of our Executive contributing a very great effort to do the best job possible for all, as a voluntary organisation.

I would like to sincerely thank the Secretary Seamus Foy, Treasurer Stephanie A M Farrell, V/President Paddy O’Shaughnessy, and all Executive members for their dedication to our Association.

The Executive makes every effort to recruit new members, the life blood of any organisation. The more members we have the more benefits for all our members.

I would ask all members to be good ambassadors for our Association, please introduce the idea of joining our Association to all newly retired members.

It is amazing the number of members who do not know our Association exists.

It is my intention to do what I can to advertise our Association, however, in my view the best way is for members to inform those who are retiring of our existence and the benefits of membership.

We recently had our late summer draw plus Christmas draws for a total of €11,500. Congratulation to all the winners.

Because of the considerable cost of running the draw four time a year plus the expense of running our Association which we keep to a minimum, I suggest we must examine the number of draws we have each year.

Necessary information in the event of a Member passing away

In the event of a spouse passing away it is necessary to inform the Pay Master General that such has happened.

You should email giving the deceased name, pension number and PPS number.

You are entitled to a portion of the deceased pension, you should apply for that by contacting the National Shared Services Office, Trinity Point, 10/11 Leinster Street S, Dublin 2, DO2 EF85 and request the relevant forms plus information re your portion of the pension.

If the deceased has a Social Welfare Pension you should inform the Department of Social and Family Affairs of your Husbands/Wife passing and stop that pension. Any over payment by the Department must be repaid.

After cancelling this pension, you will receive a cheque covering the next six weeks payment.

You are entitled to a Widows pension from the Department of Social and Family Affairs or as it is called a Survivors Pension.

You will get this form from the Citizens Information Centre, there is one in most towns.

As a member of the Prison Officers Medical Aid Society the Society will deal with any claims the deceased had at the time of his/her demise.

The claim forms can be downloaded. If one is not able to download forms the Medical Aid office will always assist. The surviving partner may be offered membership of the Medical Aid Society and if so will be given 6 months cover free.

If the Deceased is a member of our Association, the Association of Retired Prison Officers for the designated time before ones demise the Survivor or person responsible for the affairs of the Deceased will received the agreed payment from our Association.

The Payment currently is as follows. If a member of our Association for 4 years the payment will be €1,000, if one is a member for 6 years the payment will be €2,000. If one if a member for 8 years, the payment is €3,500.

In the event of a members Wife/Husband passing away the following payment of €1,500 is made to the member (This payment is incrementally based. After 4 years €500 is paid, after six years €1,000, after 8 years €1,500).

A deceased member Husband/Wife is entitled to join our Association and enjoy full membership.

All Executive members of our Association are available to assist any member at any time as far as it is possible.

We encourage anyone who requires assistance to please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Executive.

A novena of Masses will be celebrated over Christmas for all members of our Association living and dead.

I wish to thank all members Executive members for there work over the past year.

Because of COVID-19 it was not possible to hold sum of the draws in September or Octobe, however we now have them up to date.

Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas and New Year.

James A F Duggan
9th December 2022.

23rd January 2022

Dear Members,

I am sure you are all very happy that we are getting to a new norm and that the social side of life is resuming.

It will be great to be able to get to hurling and football matches and lots of related social activity this year if everything goes to plan.

We will all get back to scrambling for All Ireland Tickets etc.

I suppose the most important thing to remember is, that COVID-19 has not gone away and we must all be vigilant and remember that many are very sick with the virus and it is possible for any of us to get it and to take it home passing it on to many.

I would like to say that our colleagues and friends still serving have done a fantastic job keeping COVID-19 to a very minimum in all prisons in our country.

In doing so they have protected themselves and those in custody to a high degree.

The great effort by all members of the service to keep the virus to a minimum, undoubtedly saved the state an enormous headache, just imagine if the virus caught hold in a poorly ventilated prison where officers are in close contact with those in custody, on a regular basis.

To find alternative accommodation would have been a real problem for all in the service.

I know and realise that many members did catch COVID-19 and it was and continues to be a big problem for them and their families.

I sincerely hope that all members of the service who are suffering as a result of the virus will soon recover.

My sincere sympathy and that of our Association, to the families who have lost a love one over the past nearly 2 years. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anam dilis.

I am sure we are all very happy that a new Public Holiday namely St. Bridget’s day has been announced, to commemorate this difficult time and applaud the decision to award €1,000 to frontline workers in the health Service but I find it hard to see why our colleagues on duty 24/7 should be left out of this payment.

I have no doubt the Prison Officers Association will vigorously highlight this, our Association fully supports them in that.

As a result of the lifting of restrictions it will be possible for us to hold a General Meeting in the not too distant future. Possibly after Easter when the evenings get a little brighter and the virus situation will be clearer.

Our Agenda will be to put a proposal to the membership, which has been posted to all, to increase the Death Benefit incrementally from €3,500 for members to €5,000, and from €1,500 to €2,500 for Spouse.

We will also have the Draw for 2. €1.000 2. €500 and 2.€250.

We will also elect a new Executive, President, V/President, Secretary, Treasurer plus 9 Executive members.

It is now customary that we have some refreshments after the meeting.

The meeting will be conducted in accordance with Government and Medical Guide Lines.

I will inform you well in advance of the date and time of the meeting, which will be held at our Social Club Millmount House, Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9. DO9 E9R3.

James A F Duggan

Acting President

23rd January 2022


Letter sent to the Prison Offices Association - February 2021

On behalf of the members of the Association of Retired Prison Officers and on my own behalf I wish to congratulate all serving members of the Prison Service on the tremendous work they have done to date in keeping COVID19 out of our prisons.

It is remarkable to say the least that with all the difficulties encountered in all prisons at any time re crowding in workshops, assembly hall, exercise areas etc that the virus has been virtually kept at bay.

Everybody must be congratulated.

When we think of it, if the virus got into any prison and ran riot as it were like Nursing Homes what would the consequences be.

Government let alone the Department of Justice would have a major problem on their hands.

As most of those in prison could not be released it would be necessary to find a Hospital Prison possibly in the Curragh and staff it.

Reflecting on all these things we all find it hard when we hear every person on the front line praised (And Rightly So) but Prison Officers are not mentioned.

This is such a pity bearing in mind the excellent job Prison Officers do 24/7.

We all appreciate that you feel the same as Retired Members in this regard.

May we request with respect to you that your Association will do what you can to highlight the excellence of the job so well done by Prison Officers on the Front Line 24/7 year in and year out.

Wishing you, your Executive and Membership plus their families safety at all times.

James A F Duggan

Acting President

8th February 2021


Association of Retired Prison Officers 2021

Mel Foy – Secretary

Brian Lally – Treasurer

Dear Members,

I wish you and your families a very Happy New Year, let us all hope that this year will be so much better than 2020.

I sincerely hope you all had a Happy Christmas.

It is great that a vaccine has come on the seen, in fact it is so much better to know that several vaccines will shortly be available.

I will certainly be first in the queue if possible and I have no doubt that you will all be there also.

Many members and retired members of the service have died since our last gathering in November 2019.

We remember them all.

I hope that we will be able to come together later in the year to have a General Meeting and a Gathering. It is unlikely that will happen before the Autumn 2021.

As soon as permission is granted by Government, I will call a meeting and we shall have a General Meeting and a Social Gathering.

21stMay 2021 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of our Association, The Association of Retired Prison Officers.

Those who attended the first meeting and who are no longer with us are, Jeremiah Dunne, Jeremiah Fenton, Michael Mulhern, Oliver Pluck, Dan Reidy, Dan Galvin, John T, Guihen, Larry Jordan, Bernard Kirwan, Timothy Bowler.

The Meeting was held upstairs in Millmount House. I was invited by Jerry Dunne to attend the meeting as I had suggested to Jerry, he should set up an Association for Retired Prison Officers.

Jerry asked me to get him details of other such organisations which I did, we discussed it over several months before he decided to set up the Association of Retired Prison Officers.

We will mark this date at our gathering.

On a point of information, the proposal I sent to you in November 2020 seconded by Eamon O Donnell re the Death payment has been very well received and I have received a lot of positives requests from members to proceed. However, as I said in my communication, we will debate it when we meet.

The Executive will meet on zoom as often as necessary.

The finances of our Association have been examined by our Auditors and found to be in order.

Our Scrutineers will examine the finances of our Association at least 4 times per year in the absence of the Treasurer, following best practice.

We all hope that the Minister for Finance will agree to give us and all public servants an increase in our pensions. I understand he is favourably disposed to such a proposal. We will applaud him for that and sincerely hope that it will happen.

As you all know we are in an exceedingly difficult time with Covet-19, it is causing havoc in all parts of our country, causing so much sickness to so many people, many of them our members or relatives.

We must all take good care and stay in touch with our friends and those who are alone and many who are vulnerable. As I suggested before keep in touch Use the Phone.

Once again, a Very Happy and peaceful New Year to you all.

Jim Duggan

Acting President

4th January 2021


COVID-19 - Update August 2020

Dear Members,

I hope you and your families are all keeping well and managing to cope during this very difficult time.

Covid.19 has caused a lot of difficulties to many of our members and sadly caused sickness and death to a few.

We all feel so sorry for members whose loved ones have died, and it has not been possible to attend funerals.

Many family members have not been able to attend family funerals, which is extremely difficult for any family.

We can only hope that a vaccine will be found to combat this terrible virus.

I regret that it has not been possible to hold full executive meetings because of Government regulation, however, the work of the Association goes on.

We have been looking after all personal matters raised by members and assisting them in whatever way we can.

As you know we have draws every quarter for a total prize fund of €15,000.

It has not been possible to have these draws so far this year. However, it is our intention to have these draws in September using zoom if possible.

The draw results will be posted on this web site, without publishing full address details to comply with Data regulations.

I regret that our President and good friend Stephen Delaney is a little unwell at the moment and is receiving treatment.

I have no doubt Stephen will be back in full action very soon Please God.

If you wish to contact our Association you can send an email to our email address, or as many prefer a text message to 0872357211 stating your name.

Do not forget to use good hygiene habits in the interest of your safety and the safety of all.


James A F Duggan


23rd August 2020

Annual Mass for Deceased Members

The Annual Mass for deceased members of the Prison Service will be celebrated in St. Josephs Church Berkley Road Dublin 9 on Thursday 12th April 2018 at 8.15pm.

The parade will commence at Mountjoy Prison at 8pm to St. Joseph’s Church.


Social Gathering

Our Social Gathering will take place on Tuesday 22nd May 2018 at our Social Club Millmount House at 6pm. Supper will be served at 7pm. No Music, No speeches’ just good craic. All are welcome.


Members Information

I wish to inform you that as and from the 1st February 2018 it is our intention be make a necessary change in our communication with you, from ordinary post to e mail and texting.

As you are aware the cost of postage has dramatically increased over the past few months to €1per standard letter.

This is a very heavy burden on our Association’s finances.

The cost of sending communications to members in a year, at a cost per standard stamp of €1, is approximately €3,500. I am sure you will agree this is a considerable amount of money.

The Executive urge you to please use our Web Site which is for information and to communicate with our Association please use our e mail address [email protected]

It is the intention of our Association to increase the benefits to our members and by using our website it will be a substantial saving each year.

If any member is unable to receive communications by text or e mail we will facilitate them and ensure all members are kept informed.